We had five nap mats (three from a visitor, Nan) and two pillow cases turned in. We had 26 in attendance with 24 being members.
Jenn showed us new t-shirts of all colors with the color logo. There are unisex and women's shirts, crew and v-neck. If you did not order a short and want one, they will be $20 and Jenn Haxton is taking orders.
Jenn Haxton, who designed the QuiltCon 2017 Charity Quilt, came prepared with patterns and colors. She handed them out during the meeting. This quilt needs to come together fast, so please see Jenn next meeting and get a block to make for the quilt.

Lazara and Janet gave an update of the "Modern View of the Trinity" Charity quilt. They have been to several events and have many coming up. We really need your help to volunteer for a time or two to sell raffle tickets at these events.
Melissa Eubanks from My Fabric Relish came all the way over from McKinney to talk to us tonight about making a quilt our own. Melissa is an amazing long arm quilter and has a couple of patterns out, "Pickle Relish" and "Prickly Flower" which 15 lucky people get to take the workshop from Melissa on Saturday. I will let the pictures do the talking...
The medallion qal is coming to it's final month. You have November to add any final borders and December is the the big reveal.
Our final show for the night is always a favorite! Show and share. Where you get to see what everyone has been working on and hear the stories behind them. Some stories are too funny!
I will leave you with one final show and share. This sweet, cute member is Laura. She always has a smile on her face and knows how to work a room. She made the dress she is about to show off to you. Enjoy!
يمكنكم الان التواصل مع افضل فير قالان على اعلى مستوى ممكن وباقل العروض المختلةف التى نقدمة الان فى كافة المحافظاتت وباقل العروض الممكن من شركة مكافحة حشرات الان فى مصر ونقدم ايضا شركة ابادة الحشرات المتخصص فى كافة القضاء على الحشرات الان من افضل شركة مكافحة حشرات فى مصر
افضل الخدمات الان الرائعة الان على اعلى ميتوى ممكن فى كافة انحاء لسعودية الان ويوجد لدينا الان شركة تنظيف منازل بالخبر المتخصص فى كافة انواع تنظيف المنازل الان على اعلى مستوى ممكن من شركة مكافحة حشرات بالخبر التى نقدمة الان عىل افضل وجة الان فى السعودية
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