Friday, September 18, 2015

September Meeting

Last night's meeting was a whirlwind of activity. Let's recap:

We voted unanimously to increase our yearly dues and to formally adopt the VP of Communications and VP of Events as a part of our governing board as written in the bylaws . The board continues to work on revising the bylaws. Once that task is completed, the proposed changes will be voted on by general membership and the bylaws will be permalinked here on the blog in their entirety for reference.

Heather Pregger gave us a lesson on quilt photography. Heather is an accomplished quilter, having had quilts accepted in many shows, magazines and exhibitions. Her steps for good quilt photography:

1. Hang the quilt on a non distracting background (solid white, grey, or black)
2. No visible body parts
3. Make sure the quilt is hung square
4. Use a tripod and a timer on your camera for the clearest picture
5. Level your camera with the middle of the quilt to maintain proper perspective
6. Lighting is key. Use two sources of color true lighting pointed at the quilt from opposite directions.
7. Ensure that all edges of the quilt are seen in the photograph
8. Take lots of pictures in the largest size (max pixels) your camera offers.
9. Save originals and modify copies to the event's speicifications

We had the big reveal of the #FWMQGrainbowminiswap. Members work most of the summer on a rainbow mini quilt for a secret partner. So many amazing quilts were made for this swap. A huge thank you to Ann and Jenn for coordinating the swap for the guild.

Cheryl Brickey of Meadow Mist Designs designed the March 2015 MQG quilt of the month. She graciously provided a B&W coloring page of her quilt 'Use Your Illusion'. We spent some time socializing and coloring in our own designs. It was super fun to see how we individually interpreted the quilt design. Thank you so much for the inspiration Cheryl!

Time for Show And Share

 Kristi finished her baby size Math Class quilt from the Natalia Bonner workshop we had over the summer.

Maureen shared this gorgeous quilt she is working on for her sister. I adore the pieced garden back (complete with chicken coop!!)

Jenn shared several of her recent quilts. The first two are free patterns she designed for the Moda Bake Shop. The third is called Trellis Crossroads from Lindsay Conner's Modern Bee Book and the last is an original design featured in Fons&Porter Easy Quilts.

More pictures will be uploaded to the guild's Instagram account @fortworthmqg later today!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Tonight's Votes

Good morning all! I wanted to check in with you all, and go over the things you may have missed if you weren't at our August meeting.

This evening we will be holding two votes. We will be voting on a proposal to raise dues to $40 beginning next year. This will allow us to plan more programming for the guild.

We are also proposing to redefine the current VP position to VP of Membership and Outreach, rename the social media chair as VP of Communications, and add a VP of Events. I've included the job duties the board has delineated for position below.

There will be time for discussion prior to the vote, so please bring any questions you may have.

Also, we'd love it if you could bring colored pencils tonight for a special activity! We hope to see you then!

Vice President of Events:
In charge in the President’s absence.
Coordinates with treasurer to collect money and maintain sign up sheets for guild events.
Plans special events, including workshops, lectures, trunkshows, and retreats.
Coordinates with other MQGs for special events.
Works closely with other VPs as needed.

Vice President of Membership/Outreach
Communicates with guests and potential members
Maintains membership records and directory
Oversees charitable projects
Works closely with VP of Communications on Guild Promotion

Vice President of Communications:
Is the public face of the guild.
Maintains all social media accounts.
Maintains guild information on community site.
Administrates guild blog.
Produces monthly newsletter

Works closely with other VPs as needed.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Rainbow Mini Quilt Swap

Don't forget that your #FWMQGrainbowminiswap project is due at the September meeting!

Check this mini out on Lily's Quilts here.

Are you still looking for inspiration? Check out our inspiration Pinterest board here. Instagram pics of your progress with #FWMQGrainbowminiswap so that we can follow along. Look for regrams of member work on @fortworthmqg on Instagram and on our Facebook page.

We look forward to seeing what you create at our meeting on Thursday September 17th at 6:30pm.