Saturday, May 28, 2016

May's Meeting Recap

Our meeting this month was led by Jenn Haxton, our guild Treasurer. She did a great job filling in for Ann, who was in a car accident. Ann is doing good. She has rehab ahead of her with her knee and whiplash. If you get a chance, send her a text or give her a call. She is not driving and is bored!

Jenn got us started with calling the meeting to order. Gayla introduced the guests. Welcome guests! The new VP of Communications, Jeanne Lobsinger, was introduced and then came the game of "Pick the Workshop!" We had four projects of Jacquie Gering's to choose from, and after much debate and talk about how just being in one of her workshops will blow your mind, we chose the Log Cabin - Modern Makeover.

 Proof of voting by Jenn.
If you have not signed up for the workshop, and you want to take it or just be in the same room with quilty knowledge, be sure to sign up and pay your $40.00 deposit by June 1, 2016 to Jenn Haxton.

We were fortunate to have two members who went to QuiltCon West 2016 in April. Lazara Abernathy and Debi Bright shared their experience with us. Lazara gave us pointers on when to sign up and how to navigate the show. Debi brought many fabrics she screen printed in a workshop. Thank you for sharing. QuiltCon East 2017 is in Savannah, Georgia, February 23-26, 2017. The schedule will be announced June 1, 2016.

A new guild challenge was introduced. TRIANGLES!! Make a name tag, a mini quilt, or a triangle border for your medallion. No HST's. This will be due at the August's meeting.

We had several members show the progress on their medallion quilts.

And a few more with Show and Share.

It was great looking around and seeing so many members bringing handwork to meeting. Busy hands...

For convenience, included is the General Information that was printed on the back of the Agendas.  It has been updated to reflect current information.
General Information

  • Pillow cases to ACH Goal:  150 To Date: 148
  • June Meeting:  Presentation by Mettler Threads
  • July Meeting:  Jacquie Gering of Tallgrass Prairie Studio will give a  trunk show and lecture Thursday.  Log Cabin - Modern Makeover Workshop on Friday July 22nd will cost $100 and take place at Pleasant Ridge Church of Christ, 6102 W. Pleasant Ridge Rd, Arlington 76016.  Payments to Jenn Haxton.  Supply list to be emailed.
  • August Meeting: Skills demonstration and Triangle Challenge is Due
  • October Meeting:  Melissa Eubanks of My Fabric Relish will give a lecture on October 20th. Prickly Flower Quilt Workshop will be on Saturday October 22nd at Sew Fabricated. Sign ups start in May.
  • November Meeting: ”Color Theory” presented by Martha Sheriff
  • Retreats:  
1. June 20-23rd 3 nights - Our House in Milford, 1077 Cosby Road, Milford 76670. Arrive 1pm, leave after brunch. Total: $254.40 $50 deposit to FWMQG, remainder paid to Milford House on arrival, includes meals Dinner Monday to Brunch Thursday
2. September 8-10th Day Retreat at Pleasant Ridge Church of Christ, 6102 W. Pleasant Ridge Rd, Arlington 76016. 9am-6pm any or all days.  We can leave our sewing machines set up, sleep at home, have potluck meals or go out. Cost: $40 for 3 days.
  • Block Printing:  Friday, June 3rd, 10am-2pm at Sew Fabricated
  • Slow - Stitch Saturday:  CANCELLED FOR MAY  
  • Sewcials:  4th Monday - May 23rd, 5 - 8pm   2nd Saturday - June 11th, 9am - 1pm
The Fire Station Community Center, 1601 Lipscomb St, Fort Worth 76104
  • Quilt Exhibit at Ontario Museum of Art and History in California: Theme: Modern Quilts: Redesigning Traditions, December 1-January 22, 2017 Entry deadline: June 15, 2016 Contact for applications and information.

Please join us at our next guild meeting on June 16th. Come at 6:30 to get to know your fellow members and greet new members and guests. Meeting starts at 7:00.

Have a happy and safe Memorial Day Weekend!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

April's Meeting Recap

Hey Everyone, I am truly sorry for this late blog post about our April Meeting.  It was a great meeting, and I am sorry if you missed it.  

First off, we took care of some business that included discussion and nominations for Abby's position of Vice President of Communications.  We had two nominations,  Jeanne Lobsinger and Maureen Kelly.  Unfortunately, at the board meeting, we realized that Maureen is ineligible at this time to run for a board position.  We are keeping nominations open until May 10th.  If you are interested, please email the board by then.  An email will be sent out prior to the May meeting where we will make a decision.

Our guest speaker this month was the always entertaining Randy Cole of ABCSewing (

This time he brought a  sewing machine to demonstrate the fact that "the walking foot does NOTHING."
We had a lot of fun trying to wrap our head around that concept and putting up counterpoints to his argument.  He simply just kept demonstrating that it "does nothing."  He suggests for everyone go buy a rolling foot to lesson the drag.  I think this  photo is from his disbelief that some of us did not believe him.

Members' medallion quilts are coming along there were some great ones being shown.

And as always... Show and Share was inspirational!

Let me end by saying the Fort Worth MQG members rock!!! 

To date you have made 111 pillowcases to be donated to ACH Family and Child Services  and 30 Nap Mats to be donated to Center for Transforming Lives .  Click on the links to be directed to their 'About Us' pages.  We will continued to collect these items through out the year.  Remember our pillowcase goal is 150 and the nap mat goal is 100. See General Information about sizes.

For convenience, I am including the General Information that was printed on the back of the Agendas.  I have updated them to reflect current information.
General Information

  • Pillow cases to ACH    Goal:  150            To Date: 111
  • Nap Mats to Transforming Women’s Lives  Goal: 100    To Date: 30    24”x36” - ish, 36”x48” - ish, or 24”x48” - ish
  • June Meeting:  Presentation from Mettler Threads
  • July Meeting:  Jacquie Gering of Tallgrass Prairie Studio will give a  trunk show and lecture Thursday.  Precision Lines Workshop on Friday July 22nd will cost $100 and take place at Pleasant Ridge Church of Christ, 6102 W. Pleasant Ridge Rd, Arlington 76016.  Payments to Jenn Haxton.  Supply list to be emailed.
  • October Meeting:  Melissa Eubanks of My Fabric Relish will give a lecture on October 20th. Prickly Flower Quilt Workshop will be on Saturday October 22nd at Sew Fabricated. Sign ups start in May.
  • Retreats:  
1. June 20-23rd 3 nights - Our House in Milford, 1077 Cosby Road, Milford 76670. Arrive 1pm, leave after brunch. Total: $254.40 $50 deposit to FWMQG, remainder paid to Milford House on arrival, includes meals Dinner Monday to Brunch Thursday
2. September 8-10th Day Retreat at Pleasant Ridge Church of Christ, 6102 W. Pleasant Ridge Rd, Arlington 76016. 9am-6pm any or all days.  We can leave our sewing machines set up, sleep at home, have potluck meals or go out. Cost: $40 for 3 days.
  • Block Printing:  Friday, June 3rd, 10am-2pm at Sew Fabricated
  • Slow - Stitch Saturday:     3rd Saturday - May 21st, 1-4pm at 1533 Merrimac Circle, Suite 101 Fort Worth
  • Sewcials:  4th Monday - April 25th, 5 - 8pm          2nd Saturday - May  14th, 9am - 1pm
The Fire Station Community Center, 1601 Lipscomb St, Fort Worth 76104
  • Quilt Exhibit at Ontario Museum of Art and History in California: Theme: Modern Quilts: Redesigning Traditions, December 1-January 22, 2017 Entry deadline: June 15, 2016 Contact for applications and information.

Hope to see you all at our May 19th meeting.  We plan to talk about QuiltCon 2016 and the upcoming QuiltCon 2017.
